Saturday 7 March 2015

What. The. Heck.

I have shingles.  Again.  On my eye.  Again.  It's rather annoying!  

I felt a tingle around my eye last Tuesday (Tuesday!!!) and went home early to see if taking my normal cold sore medicine would help.  It did a bit but I still went to the doctor down here on Wednesday just to be sure.  I waited for 2.5 hours before seeing the doctor and she prescribed the same shingles medication that I had back home.  We picked up the medicine which would've cost $300 if we did not have insurance.  I don't know how people without insurance get by down here.  I also went to the eye doctor the following day to make sure it wasn't actually in my eye.  It is not.  This time was different than last October when I got it for the first time - I didn't feel as run down or sore as I did then.  So things aren't too bad but I've been trying to rest a lot.  

I would like to say that is totally responsible for my lack of posts but it isn't 100% the reason (although it has contirubtued).  I'll try and get caught up! 

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