Saturday 7 March 2015

Sea Captain

One of my favourite restaurants to go to in Myrtle Beach is the Sea Captain's House.   Mostly for the hushpuppies.  But it's pretty good even without those.

PJ and I went a few weeks ago for dinner.  It's in an older building that feels like a house - there are couches and fireplaces everywhere.  It really does feel like you're intruding in someone's home!  If I were retired, I could hang out there for hours in the afternoon after eating lunch (Bryan - you might consider doing that when you visit!).  The decor is charming and comfortable.  And it's right on the water. 

A woman that works at Canfor used to work at the Sea Captain's House so I ask her all my questions (PJ did not know she used to work there so he thought I was just asking her random questions about the restaurant!).  It turns out that you can get an order of hushpuppies to go!  I was feeling particularly homesick one day (it comes and goes) and was saying to PJ that I had a craving for the steakhouse we went to in Charleston.  He offered to drive there for dinner.  On a Monday.  I am such a lucky girl but I wasn't actually wanting to go (it's a two hour drive...each way!).  I suggested that we get an order of hushpuppies from Sea Captain's to go instead.  That seemed like a much more reasonable request.  I hadn't had them since we were last here in November.  It was $3 for 12 hushpuppies.  And boy, were they delicious!

So I asked PJ if we could go back for a meal on Friday and he was game.  I even called it a date night and he didn't protest!  They give you hushpuppies for free when you eat there instead of bread.  We gobbled them up.  Then the waitress asked if we wanted more and I quickly agreed.  By the time we were done, I felt a little sick.  I think I had about nine hushpuppies - deep fried corn bread is good! 

(Photo is from last November but you get the gist of what hushpuppies are - this time they didn't last long enough for a photo!)

We ordered dinner and I got the chicken - it had a lemon butter sauce.  Because of my hushpuppy indulgence, I only got veggies on the side.  Of course, because of where we're living, it came with two chicken breasts!  I ate one and took the other home with me.  

I had the worst belly ache for the rest of the weekend!  That's what nine hushpuppies will do to you.  But it was worth it!  I have had hushpuppies elsewhere (Peckinpah in Vancouver) and they are nowhere near as good.  We have to make the most of our time down here!  So the sore tummy was worth it.

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