Sunday: weekend day. Enough said.
Monday: you're coming down off the weekend high so life is a little more bearable.
Wednesday: halfway there and it'll be the weekend!
Thursday: practically Friday.
Friday: at 5pm, you're free!
Saturday: weekend! And when you go to sleep? You'll wake up with it still being the weekend (that is why Saturday is the best day).
Tuesday? Nothing good (except The Mindy Project...that is the only redeeming part of Tuesday). The previous weekend already feels so far in the past and the next weekend feels like it's so far away that you'll never make it. I hate Tuesdays. Whenever something bad happens to me and I realize that it's happened on a Tuesday, it reinforces my (totally justified) hatred of Tuesday. Nothing good ever happens on Tuesday! (Watch my actual birthday to have fallen on a Tuesday... How foolish I will feel...nope, I checked, it was a Friday. Wait... Watch PJ have been born on a Tuesday...nope, it was a Wednesday - now you're all checking what day of the week you were born on so you can make me feel guilty, right?). Whenever I hear Juicy by Notirious B.I.G. and he sings 'birthdays was the worst days', I take out 'birthdays' and replace it with 'Tuesdays' in my head. Tuesdays was the worst days.
Anyway! Since being in Myrtle Beach, I have joined a yoga studio very close to our apartment (door-to-door is about a 3 minute walk). My first yoga studio in Vancouver was called Sanga Yoga and boy, oh boy, did I love it! When I met my favourite teacher there, Jacqui, she told me I looked like a 'Julie' because I looked kind (compliments will get you everywhere!). It was a small studio in Dunbar that was pretty grungy - it was very hippie and I felt pretty at home (my inner hippie came out!). They always had something to think about during class - something to mull over. Sometimes it was hokey but sometimes it was something I needed to hear so I beared the hokey to get to the 'profound'. They closed and I was pretty bummed out. My good friend, Carey, started working at YYoga and gave me some free passes to try it out. I have to say I was pretty intimidated to go from a hippie, grungy studio to a fancy-pants studio like YYoga where all the women wore lululemon [who am I kidding? I am one of them ... In my defence, lulu makes (made?) some very smart clothing where you would think 'huh, I never would've thought of that detail but it may have changed my life for the better (cuffins. Cuffins made morning runs in the winter infinitely better)]. And it was super different - YYoga was very spa-like and mainstream. There was no 'ohm' at the end of class. And there wasn't really a 'message' from the class which I missed. I didn't really have a problem with the switch - it was nice to go to such beautiful studios and it felt a bit more 'me' (what can I say? I like creature comforts! But there was much more a sense of community at Sanga). The yoga studio here is nicer and not as grungy as Sanga because it's in a new building - the furnishings are shabby and it's nowhere near as nice YYoga! They also advertise for some weird things... Having your aura read (no thanks!), ear acupuncture (again, not for me!), kirtan and gong meditation (wait...what?!) - all things that make me go 'huh?! I'm only here for the stretching!'. They have a boutique and bring in homemade food from local people that they sell. I would say it's pretty hippy! But I found a teacher that I like so I try to make it out to her class. Hot flow, regular flow, and...story time yoga on Tuesday!
Story time yoga sounds a bit funny. But I love it. It is a 'restorative' yoga so it's me and a bunch of old people. Poses last a long time. 10 minutes each? Possibly more. Time gets away from me in that class. The poses are different too - they never hurt and you use a ton of props to you're not pushing yourself (okay, I always fail on not pushing myself). And my favourite teacher, Pam, reads us a story. It is so nice. I wear comfy clothes - a big soft sweater and my compression socks plus yoga gear (it is so slow that I realized I was too cold in just a tank top after the first class). I almost fell asleep today. So much so that I couldn't figure out where I was for a few moments when I came to for the next pose. It feels like a big nap time. And it gives me something to think about. Sometimes, it is too hippy for my taste but sometimes it is just what I need to hear. Pam finished class today by saying something to the effect of 'you can't control other people, you can only control your reaction to them and it is best to choose to react with compassion' - something I have heard many times before but something I really needed to hear today. So I take the hokey to get the things I need a gentle reminder about.
And, dare I say, story time yoga makes Tuesdays slightly more bearable. It is the second best part of the day (Mindy is always #1).
(Adding to my Terrible Tuesday justification: I sliced my finger while cutting carrots, I had some chicken explode in the microwave, I got some glass stuck in my foot, and I set off the smoke alarm. *shakes fist at sky* TUESDAY!!!!!!)