I once drove back to the old Boston Pizza head office because it was right beside Murchies head office where they had a small cafe area. They had a good cheese biscuit. I was pretty upset when I got there and they said they weren't making food in house anymore - I was out of biscuit luck!
I remember as a child that biscuits were the only thing I liked off the KFC menu. And then they got rid of them?
With moving down south there are some good biscuit options! It seems that a very popular biscuit item is a fried chicken biscuit which is exactly what it sounds like: a fried chicken strip in a biscuit sandwich. With butter. I tried one when I was here in late November at Chick-Fil-A in the Atlanta airport. It was good. But halfway through I took out the chicken strip. They shouldn't mess with an original biscuit! And that biscuit was GOOD! The problem with Chick-Fil-A biscuits? They only serve them until 10:30am! Which is not my ideal biscuit eating time! I like to have them with my soup at lunch.
When I told PJ about my Chick-Fil-A biscuit dilemma, he told me about a biscuit he had last time he was down here from a place called Bojangles. He kept saying how good it was. They even have jam in ketchup-like packages so you can just squirt it onto yourbiscuit (not necessary for me but might be helpful for some!). Every time I talked about (not) getting a Chick-Fil-A biscuit, he told me to try a Bo biscuit. The difference with a Bo biscuit is that you can get them all day. Revolutionary.
So I did just that and got myself a Bo biscuit. And it was...disappointing. Greasy and burned and not good.
So I told the ladies in the office about my disappointing experience. And they asked which Bo I went to? I didn't even think this would matter. I told them that I went to the one on highway 17 (which was the only one I knew how to get to - this is my rule thumb for going to places down here = go where I know). They told me that I needed to go to the one in Carolina Forest and that the head biscuit maker (don't you love that? 'Head biscuit maker' - as if that job could exist outside of the south!) had won national competitions.
So I headed to the Carolina Forest Bojangles to get a biscuit from the lady who has won competitions.
And it was amazing and pretty life changing. Now I have internal struggles (that PJ hears about...so...not so internal?) about getting these daily. I don't. But I want to.
So now I present, a Bo Bis:
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