Thursday 29 January 2015

The Canucks (and us!) on a North Carolina Road Trip

was never a hockey fan.  But then I met a boy named PJ.  And boy, is he a hockey fan!!  And so is his family!  So through osmosis, I became a bit of a hockey fan as well (albeit not a very good one).

Now hockey tickets in Vancouver are expensive.  I was pretty fortunate to work at Boston Pizza where I was sometimes able to see a game from their box.  Plus PJ shared an ice pack with his friend Dan so he took me to a lot of games too.  The live games really made me like it.  And I loved watching hockey games surrounded by family in the McKnight's living room.  And I'm a bit homesick so I am extra fond of anything related to Vancouver.  

When PJ told me that the Canucks were going to be on a road trip to play the Carolina Hurricanes in Raleigh on January 16th, I was so there.  Plus, we would be staying overnight in a big city (with a Nordstrom!) and I was more than ready for some big-city livin'.  And hockey tickets in the south?  What a difference!  They were $80 for a front row seat!  So a pretty sweet deal. (After I looked up the price of a hockey ticket, I looked up the price of a football ticket.  It's like they switched what was expensive - those football tickets are pricey).  I was pretty excited to be going to the game and wore my jersey all day on Friday.

It's about a 3.5 hour drive to Raleigh so you know what that means!  Car naps for me while PJ drives.  I don't know what it is about cars but they just lull me to sleep.  I was awake for part of the trip and managed to see some interesting stops along the way such as this gem:
What is that you may be asking?  Well it's an amusement park called South of the Border.  You can read all about it here 
We kept seeing billboards for this place saying things like 'Fill Yo' Trunque Weeth Pedro's Junque!' or 'You Never Sausage a Place! (You're Always a Wiener at Pedro's!)' or 'Sommtheeng Deeferent'.  So, totally politically correct.

We got into Raleigh and quickly stopped at Five Guy's for a burger.  A nice man approached me to ask how I liked our Impala.  I told him that we were just renting it for the week.  I guess my 'accent' gave me away because he asked if I was a Canucks fan.  I proudly showed my jersey and then he and PJ started talking about Connor McDavid playing for the Hurricanes- finally someone talking to him about hockey instead of football!

We headed off to print the tickets at a FedEx copy centre because PJ forgot his tickets at the office.  He also forgot his American cash... I only had $13 dollars and parking was $15.  We pulled into a gas station and PJ tried to take money out.  It is HARD to get money out at ATM's - it's a crapshoot as to whether or not it'll work.  There was a big tattooed guy waiting for him to finish and PJ told him to go ahead because his 'stupid' Canadian debit card wasn't working properly.  It turned out the guy was from Canada and went to school at UBC where he became a Canucks fan.

PJ managed to get money out and we parked at PNC Arena:

It almost felt like being home.  Except.  A lot less crowded.

We had our front row seats which were AWESOME.  Except... We thought we were behind Willie Desjardins but we were actually on the other end of the bench with this as our view
Whoops!  Fortunately PJ could move down a seat so he got a better view.  The trainers were in our way - PJ tried tweeting the team to say the trainers made better doors than windows but that didn't work!  Nevertheless, it was a pretty fun experience to sit that close and I might be spoiled for life from now on.

Our family was watching at home to see if they could spot us on any bench shots.  Our niece, Finny, managed to captured a shot and sent it to us:

We were pretty lucky that the Canucks pulled off a win that night.  It was pretty hit or miss the first period with the Hurricanes outplaying us (I think the shots on goal were 12-4 after the first period).  The Canucks got three goals in the second period and managed to hold on to that lead during the third.  Phew.  I must say they had incredible concentration - I gave them a thumbs up when they got a goal and they didn't even look away from their bench!  I always wondered how professional athletes managed to stay focus when all eyes were on them and now I know: they just tune it out!

We really had a fantastic time seeing the Canucks in Raleigh: 

The next day, we got up early to get our fill of city life!  We started with a quick stop at Starbucks for me and it really felt like a city there.  Lots of university students and lots of people who had just stopped in after their morning runs.  I could live there.

We headed to Nordstrom after that - it was such a beautiful day:

We did a bit if shopping - PJ got his Microsoft Band! - and went for a nice lunch for the Cheesecake Factory (PJ's choice):

Yes, this photos are included to make the McKnight's jealous - they have quite a strong attachment to the Cheesecake Factory!
We headed home shortly after lunch.  I fell asleep while listening to one our road trip podcasts.  Durham was so nice, PJ commented that if they had sent us there, he could stay for three years.  I probably could too.  We are heading back there for Valentine's Day and I am quite excited!


A Pretty Crappy 24 Hours

PJ left for Thomasville last night at 6pm.  It's about a 7.5 hour drive.  Poor guy.  He couldn't leave any earlier but they made 'good' time and got there at 1:30am.  He was up at 6:30am for his meetings.  He is working hard down here.  I have it in my head that my 'job' is to take care of him (it doesn't feel like a job, it feels like a real pleasure).

Anyways!  That was not where I was intending to go with this story.

So PJ is gone and I'm alone.  And I need to get a run in.  So I dress warmly (it was COLD here - in the minuses!) and head out.  

We have a lake across the street from our apartment and it's about 1.3 miles around it.  I normally run 2.5 - 3 times around.  It's between us and a community centre.  It is all lit up and a lot of couples walk along there.  (Side story - this lake has ducks.  Lots of them.  If you know me, you know that I HATE birds (seriously - what are their beaks made of because it looks hard and like it could hurt me.  And they are flappy.  So flappy.).  Just as we're about to fall asleep at night...we will hear "QUACK!!!!! Quackquackquackquackquack" and the ducks get all distressed.  Over what?  Not sure!  But it's pretty funny.  When I run, the ducks are normally asleep.  And even I can admit they're pretty cute when they're asleep - like chubby little circles because they tuck their heads in).

So I start running.  And I do one loop.  And just as I am finishing, a guy starts walking towards me.  And I have my headphones in but I hear him say 'excuse me miss, can you come take a picture of me?' and pointing down to the lake around where some shrubbery was.  I waved him off and said 'sorry' and he said 'I just want a photo' but it freaked me out to be approached by someone especially when PJ wasn't home.  And I thought it was odd because there were couples out walking intermittently but he approached the single girl running with headphones on.  So I ran to the other side of the lake to do a figure 8 - I was near home when he approached me but I didn't want him to see where I live.  So I got home and was freaked out and stayed that way all night (it did not help that I ran so fast that I was wheezing when I got home and couldn't figure out where the noise in the apartment was coming from).

Then I burned my roasted veggies.  Not a big deal but disappointing nonetheless.

Today I needed to return PJ's rental car and pick up one that I rented on my credit card (you only are insured on a credit card to rent for 45 days so by switching to my credit card we would start from Day 1 all over again).  I returned his car and everything was going fine. Until the man checking in the car turned it on and said 'you didn't fill it up?'  And I went 'OH NO I TOTALLY MEANT TO AND FORGOT!!  Can I leave and go do that and bring it back?!'  Now gas down here is under $2/gallon.  For the rental car agency to fill it up is $10/gallon.  The man said that he had already checked it in so I couldn't take it back out.  I felt pretty sick about it.  He then told me that he may have already checked it is as FULL.  I had my fingers crossed that he had checked it in full.  And he had!!  He said there was a chance we could still be charged for fuel if they noticed it and charged it to our account.  I'm hoping not!  But I have a legitimate argument for not filling it: I couldn't have even if I attempted.  Getting to that...

I went inside to get the new car.  I gave the man my license and he asked for my credit card.  He also offered to give me a free upgrade to a Ford Mustang.  Sweet!!!  He swiped my credit card and asked if I had set up a travel advisory to let the bank know I was traveling.  Um...yes I did!  But my card wasn't working so I needed to call the credit card and see what was up.  The man I spoke to at the bank said that I hadn't set up a travel advisory and I said I would be here for a year and did give them notification.  He asked me where I was trying to use the card and I said at the car company and he said 'okay, did you try and use it at a Texaco in Atlanta before?' And my response was 'Umm, no.'  He informed me that my card had been compromised and they would need to send me a new one.  And they couldn't force through a transaction at the rental car.  I had some mild panic at this as I only have one credit card.  He did offer to courier me the new card so I would get it in a few days. 

I went back to the rental cars agency.  The nice, nice man behind the counter was very sympathetic but it was soon evident that I didn't really have any options:
My Canadian debit card wouldn't work
My Canadian American dollar debit card did not have my name on it (but was a Visa debit card)
They couldn't accept cash

I felt pretty SOL.  Until I asked about using PJ's credit card which seemed like it would work.  Except he needed to be present with it.  

I called PJ.  He couldn't answer but he could text.  I was feeling pretty bummed. It's an awful feeling to be by yourself in a foreign country where your access to funds is limited, you have no family close by, and you have no transportation.  I don't do well in situations like that.  I mean, I was fine but I wanted to cry.  PJ asked if he could book a car online and me pick it up.

Genius!  I ran up and asked the rental car company.  The nice, nice man checked with his manager who said that would work.  PJ figured out how to do this on his phone (he was in a meeting not near his computer) and I quickly got the keys to a Mustang.  I was SO happy.  I told that nice man that I could hug him and he laughed!

I saw the man who initially checked in the returned car as I was leaving so I waved. He laughed and reminded me to fill up this car before returning.  I think PJ will be handling this from now on!

And then I got myself a biscuit for my trouble.

Not All Biscuits Are Created Equal

I love biscuits.  Love them!  A lot.  My favourite was a heart-shaped cheese biscuit from the Secret Garden Tea Company.

I once drove back to the old Boston Pizza head office because it was right beside Murchies head office where they had a small cafe area.  They had a good cheese biscuit.  I was pretty upset when I got there and they said they weren't making food in house anymore - I was out of biscuit luck!

I remember as a child that biscuits were the only thing I liked off the KFC menu.  And then they got rid of them?

With moving down south there are some good biscuit options!  It seems that a very popular biscuit item is a fried chicken biscuit which is exactly what it sounds like: a fried chicken strip in a biscuit sandwich.  With butter.  I tried one when I was here in late November at Chick-Fil-A in the Atlanta airport.  It was good.  But halfway through I took out the chicken strip.  They shouldn't mess with an original biscuit!  And that biscuit was GOOD!  The problem with Chick-Fil-A biscuits?  They only serve them until 10:30am!  Which is not my ideal biscuit eating time!  I like to have them with my soup at lunch.  

When I told PJ about my Chick-Fil-A biscuit dilemma, he told me about a biscuit he had last time he was down here from a place called Bojangles.  He kept saying how good it was.  They even have jam in ketchup-like packages so you can just squirt it onto yourbiscuit   (not necessary for me but might be helpful for some!).  Every time I talked about (not) getting a Chick-Fil-A biscuit, he told me to try a Bo biscuit. The difference with a Bo biscuit is that you can get them all day.  Revolutionary.

So I did just that and got myself a Bo biscuit.  And it was...disappointing.  Greasy and burned and not good.  

So I told the ladies in the office about my disappointing experience.  And they asked which Bo I went to?  I didn't even think this would matter.  I told them that I went to the one on highway 17 (which was the only one I knew how to get to - this is my rule thumb for going to places down here = go where I know).  They told me that I needed to go to the one in Carolina Forest and that the head biscuit maker (don't you love that?  'Head biscuit maker' - as if that job could exist outside of the south!) had won national competitions.  

So I headed to the Carolina Forest Bojangles to get a biscuit from the lady who has won competitions.

And it was amazing and pretty life changing. Now I have internal struggles (that PJ hears so internal?) about getting these daily.  I don't.  But I want to. 

So now I present, a Bo Bis:

Tuesday 20 January 2015

This is what happens...

...when your favourite Vancouver Barista tells you that Peppermint Brownie Cake-Pops have been discontinued and you rediscover them in South Carolina:

...I bought 12.  And I don't regret it at all.  They are in the freezer.  I am contemplating going back to get another 12!

The Big Move

9 days (!!!!) after our wedding (and one apartment sale closing and a successful wisdom tooth extraction later), we packed our bags and headed south to Myrtle Beach, SC.

It was a pretty stressful time but also pretty fun.  My big concern was PJ and his poor mouth.  My wisdom teeth got infected after my surgery (I got too hungry and started eating solid foods too soon!) and I was paranoid that his would do the same. Fortunately, he has more willpower than I do.  He still has some residual pain but he'll see his dentist when he is back in Vancouver in February.

We packed only our clothes, sporting equipment, and a few household items to take with us.  It was three hockey bags, a big suitcase, and a golf bag.  This seemed like a good idea when we were at home.  When it was me helping PJ wasn't so bright.  The people at YVR weren't particularly helpful about our bags - instead of helping me move them from carousel to carousel, they just told me to do it.  With no PJ.  I don't know why they don't have a continuous carousel that does this!  So lesson learned - don't take overweight bags to YVR!  Noted for next time!

I thought I was prepared for everything.  I am, after all, a planner.  I got so excited to show my dad how big my accounting designations were that I forgot them at home.  I realized as soon as we got through security.  I felt awful and got so flustered that I couldn't stop shaking.  I don't do well in situations like that, I could never have been a doctor.  The lawyers had said to bring original degrees but there were copies in our visa application packet.  Thankfully, the copies were sufficient and we both got our visas. I would just like to point out that my too-kind father-in-law got home, got my original degrees and the dog (for company), and drove straight back to the airport where he waited until we were able to tell him that my copies were sufficient - what a guy!  

We flew from Vancouver to Minneapolis.  When we got there, we realized where we arrived: 
(At least Minnesota recognizes itself for what it is!).  It was freezing!  About -9 degrees. 

We caught a flight out to Charlotte and arrived there around 11.  We got all our bags and I ran off to rent a van.  I came back and got PJ and we went to the hotel with a quick stop for dinner at...McDonald's (insert joke about rock bottom here!).

We woke early the next morning to go get our uhaul and return our van.  Then it was Ikea time!  That made me feel at home.  I seriously think our eyes were bigger than our arms - we got a lot of large items (and I again didn't think that I would be the one helping to carry it)!

We arrived in Myrtle Beach around 4 and quickly got the keys to our apartment.  It is the best location for us in Myrtle Beach - there is a lot we can just walk to (quite important as our Canadian 'walk score' was 98!) and it's a relatively new development.
It is crazy that a one bedroom down here is almost 1,000 sq. ft.  There is so much space that I don't know how I'll go back to Vancouver sizes!  And also...Vancouver weather:

We did some Costco, Best Buy, and Target runs.  A lot of trips home that looked like this:

And we spent a lot of nights that looked like this:

Every time I thought we were done, we were missing something else!  Knives, cellophane, tinfoil, etc.  even today I realized that we needed another small pot and more kitchen knives!  And the amount of cardboard that we needed to throw out after setting up our furniture was unreal.  We needed a dolly to take it all down and even that was a little precarious!

All in all, it's been a pretty fun adventure of far.  This is our first home as a married couple and that will always have a special place in my heart.  There is no one I'd rather be on this adventure with than PJ.  He didn't get upset with me when I forgot my designations (he is only ever super reassuring and shows me that it's always best to treat your spouse with grace) and we've had some good laughs (like when he was loading Target purchases into the back of the truck and threw them in...along with the truck key!).  It's been a lesson on taking things as they come and laughing at the small things because what else is there to do?

There's a lot more we've done and more still to do so I'll be back with more updates as they come up!

Monday 19 January 2015

On The Best Day

It feels wrong to start posting about our life in South Carolina before writing about something even more important that I want to remember forever: our wedding day.

I had tempered my expectations on what the day would bring.  I had spoken to people who said that, while they were happy to be married to their spouse, they could have gone without the actual wedding day.  That is the opposite of how I remember our wedding.  I don't know how it was so different for me but I think it all started with the planning phase.

For a bit of history, we thought we were moving to South Carolina in September of 2014.  I initially wanted a big wedding in summer of 2015 but we thought that our time in South Carolina might be extended.  If this were to happen (and it always seems to take longer than expected for IT projects), it would mean flying back to Vancouver for a short time (a weekend?) to get married at what would have been the most stressful time for PJ.  Plus, planning a huge wedding from so far away would have been challenging.  So we thought about what we wanted for the day.  It would've been fun to have a big wedding but the most important thing would be that we would be married.  I looked at a photo of my grandparents on their wedding and they looked so happy and I realized that was exactly what I wanted.  I wanted to celebrate getting to spend my life with PJ (yay!!!!) and do it with the people closest to us.  We figured we would be home for Christmas break and we would do a very small ceremony followed by a nice dinner.

It seemed as though we anticipated correctly: our timeline to move down to South Carolina was bumped from September 2014 to January 2014 (thank goodness we didn't plan a wedding for next summer - I hate seeing PJ stressed and rarely do but I think that would've thrown him).  So it really worked out perfectly that we were having our wedding at the end of December.  

The day was everything I could've hoped for if I had allowed myself to have high expectations.  I stayed at a hotel with my aunt the night before the wedding.  My sweet brother came and had dinner with us.  I thought I would have trouble falling asleep the night before but I didn't (I did, however, wake up two hours before my alarm because I was SO EXCITED!!!).  My make-up was beyond perfect - I looked like me but better (seriously, could my lashes be a little bit longer and a little bit fuller permanently?!)  My hair was great and was exactly what I envisioned in my head.  I got to get ready with my new nieces and sister-in-law beforehand - they made sure I had nothing to worry about.  I had all my something's (old - a piece of the lace off of Judy's wedding dress; new - wedding dress, shoes, etc; borrowed - McKnight family jewelry; blue - undies; silver sixpence in my shoe - 1954 for the year my mum and dad were born).  I said my vows wrong and just laughed at the mistake (I didn't realize that it was time for the 'I do' part!!!).  I kept the secret that the recessional was the Hockey Night in Canada theme song (secret keeping is a big thing for me - check out my face below, I was bursting).  I got to give my bouquet to my grandma.  And, beyond everything else, I got to marry the man of my dreams.

During particularly lonely periods in my life, I never imagined that someone like PJ could've existed (I still don't know how it took us so long to meet).  I never thought that I could meet somebody who I could be really and truly myself around.  I didn't think that there was someone out there who wasas kind, as good, as loving, and as true as he is.  And that someone that great would love me unconditionally.  I feel so unbelievably blessed that he is my husband.  

Our wedding day was the day that we celebrated our blessings surrounded by the people we are closest to and love most in this world.  It was a true celebration.  It felt like I was walking in a dream. I was so happy that we kept it small and simple.  From what I hear, lots wedding days for bigger weddings have a way of being more about the event and less about the marriage.  I read something somewhere that said 'I want a marriage more beautiful than my wedding' and I feel like we stayed true to that sentiment.  The day was perfect and I couldn't have hoped for anything more.  It was celebrating that PJ and I had found each other - the fact that we got to celebrate with our closest people was just gravy.

It really was the best day.